NETTEX  Summer Freedom Salve Complete

NETTEX Summer Freedom Salve Complete

Regular price £41.99 now £33.99

HorseNettex Itch Stop Salve / Summer Freedom repels midges with up to one application per week. Soothes, sanitises and assists hair and skin regrowth.

Nettex Itch Stop Salve /  Summer Freedom is an advanced salve which helps repel and protect against insects and biting flies. This patented formulation is used successfully in over 20 countries worldwide every year.

  • Preventative strategies are the key to itch control.
  • Use early in the year before the season starts with a once weekly application.
  • Soothes, sanitises and disinfects existing sores helping to break the itch, scratch and rub cycle.
  • Repels against new bites and supports hair regrowth.
  • Weather resistant, simple to apply and will not matt the horse’s hair.
  • 600ml tub can last for up to 6 to 8 weeks.
  • Can be applied around sensitive areas such as eyes, ears, sheath and teats.


  • Apply directly to any area that has been affected or prone to attack using a clean sponge, ensuring sensitive areas are not missed e.g. around eyes, nose, muzzle and dock avoiding mucous membranes.
  • In most cases one application a week is sufficient. In severe cases if the itch, rub, scratch cycle has started it may need to be applied more regularly.
  • For best results prewash with Nettex Everyday Shampoo before applying to remove any grease, dirt or debris and sanitise the skin.
  • Repeat application after heavy rainfall, bathing or heavy sweating. Do not use under saddlery areas or fly rugs as may cause irritation from sweating.
  • For maximum results apply as early as February to prevent midge attacks taking hold. The mane, tail and rump areas are most prone to attack.


  • For best results, prewash with Nettex Everyday Shampoo to thoroughly cleanse the area before application then every 10 -14 days to remove build-up of dirt and debris.
  • Nettex Itch Stop Salve / Summer Freedom is the ideal addition to your midge avoidance strategy. Not only does it have soothing and repellent properties it also acts as a barrier that midges aren’t able to bite through.
  • Preventative strategies are the key to itch control. For best results start your itch control strategy as early as February to prevent midge attacks taking hold.